Wednesday, October 20, 2010

the American Religion

Some representative of the ECU student body sent a message to various administrators apologizing for chanting something against NC State during the start of the national anthem. This person even apologized to "every American, particularly those who defend our flag at the risk of their own lives and their families' well being."

1. This is a statement that assumes that all military action that has ever been in the name of America is because it "defends our flag." Newsflash, it hardly has ever been that, maybe with the exception of World War II. But even that was a result of WWI, which was unnecessary.

2. I'm sick of the worship of all things American. I now sit for the national anthem because I, for one thing, do not worship any coercive force we call a state. To pledge allegiance, or to sing a hymn for the nation, is supposedly to pay respect for things that America stands for. Will someone tell me what America, some non-existent being, stands for? The flag, a piece of colored material, is an icon that represents America. America instigates aggression, destroys our currency, and prevents us from actually owning ourselves. Is that what I should worship? Americans grow up in public schools being taught that we need to blindly worship all things American. America is nothing but a figure of the imagination that distracts us from the reality of political corruption, positive law, and state coercion. As long as someone says anything is in the name of America, it is immediately justified.

Call me a bigot, call me anti-American or whatever. But some people look past illusions and seek truth, how humans act outside of state coercion. Oh, and by the way, the pledge of allegiance was written by a socialist, trying to get Americans to pay undue allegiance to the government. I guess it worked.

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